FaxPress Premier WebHelp: User Guide > Receiving Faxes > Managing Saved Faxes

Managing Saved Faxes

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Saved faxes are not associated with a Enterprise database, so you do not have to login to a FaxPress Enterprise server to view or manage them.

To access your saved faxes, follow these steps:

1. Expand your Saved Faxes folder and any subfolders, to display your list of saved faxes.
2. To create a new subfolder, right click on Saved Faxes and select Add Folder from the context menu. The Add Folder dialog box will be displayed.

3. Enter the title for your new saved faxes folder in the Folder Name text box and the new folder will be created for you. In the future when you save a fax, this folder will be displayed as a possible destination for your fax.
4. To display the operations available for saved faxes, right-click on any of your saved faxes.

5. From the context menu, you can select:

View... — Open the saved fax in the Viewer. This viewer application is set in your Personal Preferences options. See the FaxPress Enterprise/Enterprise Redundant User Guide for more information.

Print— Print the fax.

Delete—Removes the fax from your Saved Faxes folder. The fax may still be available through your incoming or outgoing fax queues or through your archived faxes folders.

Send— This launches the Send Fax dialog box and attaches your saved fax.

Mail— Depending on the settings in your profile and email client, this either requests you to select an email service or directly launches your email client. The saved fax will automatically be attached to a new message.

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FaxPress Enterprise & Enterprise Redundant WebHelp
Last Updated: 11/1/2007

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